Analysis of Reinforcement Effect of High Pressure Jet Grouting Pile During Water Inflow of Loess Tunnel Basement During Operation Period


Yang Zhanhu,Dai Jinpeng,Wang Qicai,Tian Xincheng,Liu Hao


AbstractIn the built loess tunnel, a large number of diseases have been found during the operation period, especially when the tunnel basement is after water inflow. At present, a large number of high pressure jet grouting pile are used to reinforce the tunnel basement, but there are few studies on the reinforcement effect of high pressure jet grouting pile when the tunnel basement is after water inflow during the operation period. Due to the operation control of the expressway, it is difficult to carry out field research during the operation period. In this paper, by changing the physical parameters of the water inflow layer of the surrounding rock of the tunnel basement, numerical simulation is used to analyze the reinforcement effect of high pressure jet grouting pile on the tunnel basement under the loads, and field monitoring means are used to confirm the correctness of the three-dimensional model. The results show that the reinforcement of high pressure jet grouting pile can prevent the uplift caused by the softening of tunnel basement surrounding rock. The error of monitoring data and simulation results is also within a reasonable range.


Springer Nature Singapore

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