1. Bonk, C.J., Graham, C.R. (Eds.): Handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives, local designs. Pfeiffer Publishing, San Francisco, CA (in press)
2. Find the model that works for you: 12 types of blended learning, internet link:
3. Use of ICT in education (Available at):
4. Mamur Ali: Professional development of teachers with ICT. Indian J. Educ. Technol. 1(1), 30–37 (2019)
5. National policy in ICT in school education: Department of School Education and Literacy Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India 2012. (Available at)]: https:// mhrd.gov.in/ sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/ upload_document/ revised_policy%20document%20ofICT.pdf