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2. V. Raju, Implementing flexible systems in doctoral viva defense through virtual mechanism. Glob. J. Flex. Syst. Manag. 22, 127–139 (2021)
3. V. Raju, S.P. Poh, Sustainability in performance management through supply chain management. International Journal of Supply Chain Management 8, 1085–1089 (2019)
4. V. Raju, S.P. Phung, Economic dimensions of blockchain technology: in the context of extention of cryptocurrencies. Int. J. Psychosoc. Rehabil. 24, 29–39 (2020)
5. V. Raju, S.P. Phung, Production of methane gas from cow’s residue: biogas as alternative energy in transportation and electricity. Eurasian J. Anal. Chem. 13, 121–124 (2018)