1. Baird, H. C. (1878). Views of Mr. Henry Carey Baird, of Philadelphia. In Testimony before the committee on banking and currency in relation to the resumption of specie payments, House of Representatives Mis. Doc. No. 62, 45th Cong., 2d Sess. (Government Printing Office), pp. 183–199.
2. Baird, H. C. (1883). The silver dollar, the original standard of payment of the United States of America, and its enemies. Henry Carey Baird & Co.
3. Baird, H. C. (1885). A floating Debt. Henry Carey Baird’s views of the national currency. Reprinted from the North American, Dec. 11.
4. Baird, H. C. (1886). Brief tracts on some economic questions. Henry Carey Baird & Co.
5. Baird, H. C. (1890). Of money: The instrument of association. Reprinted from The National View, May 10. Office of The National View.