1. Brinkley Jr SR (1951) The equation of state for detonation gases. In: Proceedings of conference on the chemistry and physics of detonation (first detonation symposium), Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC, 11–12 Jan 1951, pp 72–78
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3. Kirkwood JG (1951) Theoretical developments in detonation. In: Proceedings of conference on the chemistry and physics of detonation (first detonation symposium), Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC, 11–12 Jan 1951, pp 107–116
4. Campbell AW, Malvin ME, Boyd Jr TJ, Hull JA (1955) Technique for the measurement of detonation velocity. In: Proceedings of second ONR symposium on detonation (second detonation symposium), Office of Naval Research, White Oak, Maryland, 11 Feb 1955, pp 136–150
5. Price D (1951) Recent work at NOL. In: Proceedings of conference on the chemistry and physics of detonation (first detonation symposium), Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC, 11–12 Jan 1951, pp 22–30