1. C.C. Davis, J.T. Blake (eds.), The Chemistry and Technology of Rubber (Reinhold Publishing, New York, 1937) (This textbook is historically the first compilation of the reports relevant to rubber science and rubber technics. During the World War II, illegal publication of this book was tacitly permitted in Japan for efficient production of the military rubber goods, which suggested that this book was recognized to be a world standard then)
2. P. Schidrowitz, T.R. Dawson (eds.), History of the Rubber Industry (W. Heffer & Sons, Cambridge, 1952) (This book gives a detailed and good summary of technical aspects of many rubber goods up to 1950, written by 35 engineers in UK. However, it failed to give the historical significance of rubber industry in general in the modern society)
3. G.S. Whitby, C.C. Davis, R.F. Dunbrook (eds.), Synthetic Rubber (Wiley, New York, 1954)
4. L. Bateman (ed.), The Chemistry and Physics of Rubber-Like Substances (Maclaren & Sons, London, 1963)
5. G. Kraus (ed.), Reinforcement of Elastomers (Interscience, New York, 1965)