Evolution of Next-Generation Communication Technology


Sil Riya,Chatterjee Ritwesh


AbstractIn this technological era of wireless communication, various Internet devices and Wi-Fi zone play a significant role in the fast growth of data usage. The communication of people has been revolutionized by mobile communication systems. The rapid increase in the number of users, higher data rate, and requirement for higher bandwidth and voluminous data has become a challenge for Internet service providers. All these requirements are expected to be met by the next-generation communication network. The evolution of next-generation communication technology aims to emphasize the user terminal development that will provide access to various technologies and combine several flows from numerous technologies. In this paper, the authors have provided a detailed overview of the various wireless communication technologies and how it can be enhanced in future. A comparative study of the different generations of communication technologies has been done which includes 1G which has contented the elementary mobile voice, and 2G which has familiarized us with capacity and coverage. The quest continued with 3G for high-speed data that in turn provided a true experience to mobile bandwidth with 4G and finally the next-generation communication technology—5G. The varied variety of telecommunication services such as advanced mobile services, with the help of mobile and fixed networks, can be accessed with the help of the Fourth Generation (4G). The technology in the Fifth Generation (5G) is more advanced, and intelligent and it interconnects with the entire world. Moreover, in this paper, the authors have discussed the various issues and challenges faced in the existing cellular network, the limitation of conventional cellular systems, and the reason for the need for next-generation communication technology. Also, a detailed study on 5G network communication has been deliberated.


Springer Nature Singapore

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