Coastal Disasters and Mitigation Measures
Springer Singapore
Reference9 articles.
1. Al-Yousif A, Neelamani S, Levinson AV (2019) Wave transmission, reflection, and dissipation of scrap tire floating breakwater in random waves. ISH J Hydraul Eng.
2. AlYousif A, Neelamani S, Levinson AV (2020) Hydrodynamic performance of Tire-based Floating Breakwater. Marine Geores Geotechnol. Taylor and Francis.
3. Neelamani S, Al-Salem K, Altaf Taqi K (2017) Experimental investigation on wave reflection characteristics of slotted vertical barriers with an impermeable back wall in random wave fields. J Waterway Port Coastal Ocean Eng ASCE 143(4).
4. Neelamani S, Josko L (2017) Experimental study on the hydrodynamic performance of floating pontoon type breakwater with skirt walls. J Offshore Mech Arctic Eng 140(2): 021303–9. Paper No. OMAE-17–1029, 9.
5. Neelamani S (2017) Coastal erosion and accretion in Kuwait—problems and management strategies. In: Nelson R-B, Williams AT, Pranzini E, Anfuso G (eds) Ocean and coastal management. Management strategies for coastal erosion processes. vol. 156, pp 76–91