1. Asahi (1990) Komeito, Yoyato Kyogi ni Maemuki Kokusai Kōken no Minaoshi Kiun Unagasu [Komeito open to discussions between ruling and opposition parties, urging momentum for review of international contributions] (1990) Asahi Shinbun, November 7
2. Asahi (1991a) Yoron Chōsa: Sōkaitei Haken “Wangan” Go to Nihon, 6 [Public Opinion Poll (Japan and after the “Gulf” deployment of minesweepers: 6)] (1991) Asahi Shinbun, May 9
3. Asahi (1991b) Sōkaitei Haken, Seifu ga 3 gatsu ni Yoronchōsa Jisshi [Dispatch of minesweepers, government to conduct public opinion poll in March] (1991) Asahi Shinbun, April 16
4. Asahi (1991c) Kōken Kakage ‘Hinomaru’ Shutsudo: Jieitai Sokaitei ‘Perushawan’ he [Deploying ‘Hinomaru’ under the Banner of ‘Contribution’] (1991) Asahi Shinbun (evening ed.), April 26
5. Asahi (1992) ODA, NGO no Genjō to Kadai: Nihon no Kokusai Kōken, Asahi Shimbunsha Ankēto [ODA and NGOs: Japan’s international contributions] (1992) Asahi Shinbun, May 4