1. Curie S (1899) Les rayons de Becquerl et le polonium. Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées 10:41–50 [Note: S stands for Sklodowska, old family name of Marie Curie, that was erroneously used as given name]
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4. Buchner P (1953) Endosymbiose der Tiere mit Pflanzlichen Mikroorganismen. Birkhäuser, Basel. Revised English version: Endosymbiosis of animals with plant microorganisms. (1965) Translation by Bertha Nueller, with the collaboration of Francis H. Foeckler, Interscience
5. Stanier RY et al. (1957/1976) The Microbial World. Fourth edition. Prentice-Hall, Eglewood Cliffs, NJ