Hepatitis E Virus


Papatsiros Vasileios


Springer Singapore

Reference146 articles.

1. Adlhoch C, Wolf A, Meisel H et al (2009) High HEV presence in four different wild boar populations in East and West Germany. Vet Microbiol 139(3–4):270–278

2. Adlhoch C, Avellon A, Baylis SA et al (2016) Hepatitis E virus: assessment of the epidemiological situation in humans in Europe, 2014/15. J Clin Virol 82:9–16

3. Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (ANSES) (2013) Opinion of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety concerning the “Request to assess the risks related to contamination of delicatessen meats products derived from raw pork liver with hepatitis E virus (HEV).” ANSES opinion request 2012-SA-0012. https://www.anses.fr/fr/system/fles/BIORISK2012sa0012EN.pdf . Accessed 17 Aug 2019

4. Anheyer-Behmenburg HE, Szabo K, Schotte U et al (2017) Hepatitis E Virus in Wild Boars and Spillover Infection in Red and Roe Deer, Germany, 2013-2015. Emerg Infect Dis 23(1):130–133

5. Aniţă A, Gorgan L, Aniţă D et al (2014) Evidence of hepatitis E infection in swine and humans in the East Region of Romania. Int J Infect Dis 29:232–237








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