1. Guidelines for environmentally sound management (ESM) of end- of - life vehicles (ELVs) in India by Central pollution control board, ministry of environment, forest & climate change (Government of India), November, 2016.
2. OICA:
[production statistics 1998–2009].
3. N. Kanari, J.-L. Pineau, S. Shallari, End-of-life vehicle recycling in the European Union, JOM 8 (2003) 15–19.
4. DIRECTIVE 2000/53/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on end-of life vehicles, 18 September 2000.
5. AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY STANDARD (AIS – 129) on End-of-Life Vehicles by AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF INDIA, central motor vehicle rules – department of road transport & highways (Government of India), March, 2015.