1. The growing hand. Chapter 3 Psychology (Eileen Bradbury) and Chapter 12 Talking with parents and children (Simon P.J. Kay and Eileen Bradbury). p. 21–4.
2. Green’s Operative Hand Surgery, 6th edition. Chapter 51, Free Skin and Composite Flaps.
3. Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics, 12th ed. Chapter 63, Microsurgery. p. 3148–96.
4. The growing hand. Chapter 101, Free-tissue transfer in children (Simon P.J. Kay and Vivien C. Lees). p. 969–86.
5. Turker T, Tsai TM, Thirkannad S. Size discrepancy in vessels during microvascular anastomosis: two techniques to overcome this problem. Hand Surg. 2012;17(3):413–7.