The Ferrara Manuscript: A Discussion of Destreza and Vulgar Fencing Traditions in Spain


Valle-Ortiz Manuel


AbstractThe destreza was a characteristic fencing system present in Hispanic countries during the Golden centuries. Contemporarily, there were other fencing systems of possible European origin known as common or vulgar fencing. Even with striking differences, both systems share some technical terms and concepts. We present the Ferrara manuscript, a recently discovered item which, although written from the perspective of verdadera destreza, also covers many features of both systems. This book was written on behalf of an Austrian nobleman present at the Spanish court, probably Johan Ferdinand von Kueburg. It includes some basic destreza techniques as well as a description of a number of vulgar techniques and their counters. It also contains a nice set of illustrations, which is uncommon for destreza manuals.


Springer Nature Singapore

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