Shah Priyanka,Tevar Niraj
Reference9 articles.
1. Basilio, L.I., Khayat, M.A., Williams, J.T., Long, S.A.: The dependence of the input impedance on feed position of probe and Microstrip line-fed patch antennas: IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation AP-49, 45–47 (2001)
2. Samaras, T., Kouloglou, A., Sahalos, J.N.: A note on the impedance variation with feed position of a rectangular microstrip antenna. IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag. 46, 90–92 (2004)
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4. Tevar, N., Chavda, N.: Designing of Microstrip Patch Antenna for 3G-WCDMA Application: National conference PIET, Vadodara Distinct ISBN 978–93-82880-33-2 in April-2014
5. Robinson, Rahmat-Samii, Y.: Particle swarm optimization in electromagnetic. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation 52(2), 397–407 (2004)