Sengupta Nandita,Sil Jaya
Reference155 articles.
1. Z. Yu, J.J.P. Tsai, Intrusion Detection, A Machine Learning Approach, vol. 3. (Imperial College Press, 2011), ISBN-13: 978-1848164475
2. M. Abdalla, X. Boyen, C. Chevalier, D. Pointcheval, in Distributed Public-Key Cryptography from Weak Secrets, ed. by S. Jarecki, G. Tsudik Public Key Cryptography—PKC 2009, LNCS 5443, (© Springer, 2009), pp. 139–159
3. U. Somani, K. Lakhani, M. Mundra, in Implementing Digital Signature with RSA Encryption Algorithm to Enhance the Data Security of Cloud in Cloud Computing. 1st International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC—2010) (2010)
4. D.E. Denning, An intrusion-detection model. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. SE-13(2), 222–232 (1987)
5. M. Ali Aydin, A. Halim Zaim, K. Gökhan Ceylan, A hybrid intrusion detection system design for computer network security. Comput. Electr. Eng. 35, 517–526 (2009)