1. JSAE (ed.) , Handbook of vehicle technology, Fundamentals and Theory (in Japanese) (JSAE, 2008), p. 325
2. J.T. Tielking, Plane Vibration Characteristics of A Pneumatic Tire Model (SAE Paper, No. 650492, 1965)
3. F. Böhm, Mechanik des Gurtelreifens. ATZ 69(8), 255–261 (1967)
4. S.K. Clark (ed.), Mechanics of pneumatic tires, in The Tire as a Vehicle Component, ed. by H.B. Pacejka (National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 1971)
5. S.K. Clark (ed.), Mechanics of pneumatic tires, in Analysis of tire properties (Chapter 9), ed. by H.B. Pacejka (U.S. Department of Transportation, 1981)