Discourse on Adlibs Radio Advertisements: Structure and Cooperative Principles


Andiani Puspita,Suhardijanto Totok


AbstractThis chapter aims at explaining structures and violations of the cooperative principle in adlibs to understand its function in a radio advertisement. This adlib is a new method in radio advertisement in which radio broadcasters read and perform the advertising. Data are collected from the morning program of Gen FM radio. This research applies qualitative method in order to provide descriptive data in the form of written and oral words from observed or targeted individuals. There are two key findings in this study. First, the most often of adlibs structures is an advertisement structure without opening or greeting. It means that the radio broadcasters started adlibs without prior notification. Second, the most violated principle is Grice's maxim of relevance. The radio broadcasters deliberately contravene the maxim of relevance that radio listeners do not think they are listening to an advertisement. Therefore, a radio broadcaster must have skill to deliver adlibs as natural as possible. This research shows the current conditions of radio advertisement from the perspective of linguistics. The success of adlibs radio advertisements relies heavily on the ability in manipulation discursive and pragmatic aspects of language and communication.


Springer Nature Singapore

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