1. Boylan P. RCOG conference on modern management of labour. Lecture given in Birmingham, March 1995.
2. Flanagan A, Fitzpatrick K. Jubilee Hospital Belfast. N. Ireland.
3. Goodlin RC. Low risk obstetrics for low-risk mothers. Lancet. 1980;1:1017–9.
4. Jeffcoate TNA. Prolonged labour. Lancet. 1961;278:61–7.
5. Keirse MJNC, van Oppen ACC. Preparing the cervix for induction of labour (chapter 61) and Comparison of prostaglandins and oxytocin for inducing labour (Chapter 63). In: Effective care in pregnancy and childbirth. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1989; see also Keirse, MJNC, A final comment. managing the uterus, the woman or whom?, (roundtable debate: active management part 2) Birth, 1993; 20(3): 150-61; Turnbull, AC, Uterine contractions in normal and abnormal labour, J Ob Gyn Br Empire, 1957; 64: 321-32.