1. Bishop, Claire Huchet, and Kurt Wiese (illus.). 1938. The five Chinese brothers. New York: Coward-McCann.
2. Bishop, Claire Hucher 毕肖普, and Kurt Wiese 维泽 (illus.). 2018. 中国五兄弟 (The five Chinese brothers). Trans. Fangli Fei. 杭州: 浙江人民美术出版社.
3. Boat Life in China. 1867. In Peter Parley’s annual: A Christmas and New Year’s present for young people, ed. William Martin, 254–259. London: Darton.
4. Chang, Tien-yi. 1959. The magic gourd. Trans. Gladys Yang. Peking: Foreign Languages Press.
5. Chen, Chih-Yuan. 2004a. Guji Guji. La Jolla: Kane/Miller.