1. Yang, et al.: Applications of Internet of Things in manufacturing. In: 20th IEEE International Conference (CSCWD 2016)
2. SAE J442: Test Strip, Holder, and Gage for Shot Peening. https://www.sae.org/standards/content/j442_202002/
3. SAE AMS 2431/3: Peening Media (AWCR), Conditioned Carbon Steel Cut Wire Shot, Regular Hardness. https://www.sae.org/standards/content/ams2431/3/
4. Shockform Saturation Curve Solver (SSCS), version 3.2. http://shockform.com/downloads32/
5. SAE J443: Procedures for Using Standard Shot Peening Test Strip. https://www.sae.org/standards/content/j443_198401/