1. Bateson, G. (1956). The message “this is play”. Group Processes, 2, 145–241.
2. Baudrillard, J. (1981). For a critique of the political economy of the sign. Telos Press Publishing.
3. Baym, G. (2007). Representation and the politics of play: Stephen Colbert’s better know a district. Political Communication, 24(4), 359–376.
4. Deleuze, G., & Guattari, P. F. (1987). A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia. University of Minnesota Press.
5. Deleuze, G., & Parnet, C. (1987). Dialogues (H. Tomlinson & B. Habberjam, Trans.). Athlone. (Original work published 1977).