1. Melnik Yu. A., Stogov G. V. Bases of radio engineering and radio engineering devices. - M.: “Sov. Radio”, 1973. - 368 pages.
2. Mikhaylutsa K.T. Digital processing of signals in airborne radar-tracking systems: Text book/Eds. V.F. Volobuyev. - L.: LIAP, 1988. - 78 pages.
3. Alyanakh I.N. Modelling of computing systems. - L.: Mechanical engineering, 1988. - 233 pages.
4. Borisov Yu.P. Mathematical modelling of radio systems: Ed. book for higher education institutions. - M.: “Sov. radio”, 1976. - 296 pages.
5. Modelling in radar-location/A.I. Leonov, V.N. Vasenev, Yu.I. Gaydukov, et al.; Eds. A.I. Leonov. - M.: Soviet radio, 1979. - 264 pages.