1. Schwinger, C.L.: Real-Time Bus Arrival Information Systems—A Synthesis of Transit Practice. Transportation Research Board (2003)
2. Review of Current Passenger Information Systems, Prepared for the INFOPOLIS 2 Projects (No. TR 4016), Deliverable 1, WP03, Info polis 2 Consortium, August 1998
3. Hu, K., Wong, C.K.: Deploying real-time bus arrival information and transit management systems in Los Angeles. Abstract prepared for the ITS America 12th Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, April 29–May 2 2002
4. Helsinki Transport System. http://www.hel2.fi/ksv/entire/repPassengerInformation.html
5. Telargo Inc.—Passenger Information Services. http://www.telargo.com/solutions/passener_informationservices.aspx