1. National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Ayog, Government of India, 2017: Report on “India—Three Year Action Agenda—2017–18 to 2019–20”, New Delhi.
2. Gazette of India, Jul 2001, 2006, DST, New Delhi, 13 June 2006, Resolution on “Constitution of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)”.
3. Open Government Data Portal.
(2018). Accessed 21 Mar 2018
4. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), 2016: “BIS IS 16439, 2016, Metadata Standard for Geospatial Information”
5. Department of Science & Technology (DST), 2015: NSDI Report on “Draft Standard Operating Procedure on Re-Engineering of 1: 50,000 Survey of India Topographic Data and Provision of GIS-Ready Data in ISO/OGC-compliant Web Feature Service (WFS)/Geography Markup Language (GML)”