1. Cylus, J., & Smith, P. C. (2020). The Economy of Wellbeing: What Is It and What are the Implications for Health? BMJ, 369, m1874.
2. This paper explores how priority setting could shift from using narrow economic metrics such as gross domestic product to using other measures of economic and social importance such as wellbeing and/or school performance. In turn, these metrics could be incorporated into QALY scores.
3. Donaldson, C., Gerard, K., Mitton, C., Stephen, J., & Wiseman, V. (2005). The Economics of Health Care Financing (2nd ed.). Macmillan.
4. Covers the theoretical issues in an applied way, giving examples of how these economic issues are being addressed in different health care systems.
5. Fox-Rushby, J., & Cairns, J. (2005). Economic Evaluation. Open University Press.