1. R.E. Burk, H.E. Thompson, A.J. Weith, I. Williams, Polymerization and Its Applications in the Fields of Rubber, Synthetic Resins, and Petroleum (Reinhold Publishing Co., New York, 1937)
2. C.Z. Duisberg, Z. Elektrochem. 24, 369 (1918)
3. K. Gottlob, Gummi Ztg. 33, 508 (1919)
4. C.H. Bamford, W.G. Barb, A.D. Jenkins, P.F. Onyon, The Kinetics of Vinyl Polymerization by Radical Mechanisms (Butterworths Scientific Publications, London, 1958)
5. Kh.S. Bagdasaryan, Theory of Free-Radical Polymerization (Israel Program for Scientific Translation, Jerusalem, 1968) [Original Russian edition was published in 1959]