1. Andrews KR (1968) Introduction to the 30th anniversary edition. In: Barnard CI, The functions of the executive. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, pp vii–xxiii
2. Barnard CI (1936) Persistent dilemmas of social progress. In Wolf WB, Iino H (eds) Philosophy for managers: selected papers of Chester I. Barnard. Bunshindo, Tokyo, pp 28–45
3. Barnard CI (1937) Notes on some obscure aspects of human relations. In: Wolf WB, Iino H (eds) Philosophy for managers: selected papers of Chester I. Barnard. Bunshindo, Tokyo, pp 63–111
4. Barnard CI (1938) The functions of the executive. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
5. Barnard CI (1956) Keieisha no yakuwari (The functions of the executive) translated by Tasugi K, Furihata T, Iino H, Yano H (in Japanese). Diamondsha, Tokyo