1. 2016. World Bank Group Engagement with Small States: Taking Stock. Washington, DC: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank Group.
2. 2017. “Armed Forces Personnel, Total.” World Bank. Accessed November 27, 2019. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/MS.MIL.TOTL.P1?most_recent_value_desc=true.
3. 2018. Annual Report Foreign Affairs 2018, edited by Bruno van der Pluijm. Brussel: Foreign Affairs, 4 and Development Cooperation (only available in French and Dutch).
4. 2018. Small States: Economic Review and Basic Statistics. Vol. 20, edited by Commonwealth Secretariat. London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
5. 2019. Belgian Foreign Trade in 2018. Edited by Belgian Foreign Trade Agency. Brussels: Belgian Foreign Trade Agency.