1. Guattari, F.: Schizoanalytic Cartographies, p. 232. Bloomsbury, London (2013)
2. Eno, B.: Culture. In A Year with Swollen Appendices, pp. 317–21. Faber and Faber, London (1996). (317)
3. The term ‘simple location’ was coined by Alfred North Whitehead. It designates the fallacy of the attempt to locate concrete particulars in definite portions of space and time. See: Whitehead, A.N.: Science and the Modern World. Pelican Mentor Books, New York (1948)
4. Neo- or quasi-finalism is akin to Spinoza’s ‘conatus’ and Nietzsche’s ‘will to power’. See: Ruyer, R.: Neofinalism. Minnesota University Press, Minneapolis (2016)
5. Ruyer, R.: Neofinalism, p. 94. Minnesota University Press, Minneapolis (2016). The self-contained, sovereign subject is but a ‘zombie concept’. Such concepts “carry a presuppositional force of such staying power that they tend to return no matter how many times you slay them.” See: Massumi, B.: Immediation unlimited. In. Manning, E., Munster, A., Stavning Thomsen, B.M. (eds.) Immediation II, pp. 501–43 (502). Open Humanities Press, London (2019)