1. ECRYPT (2012) eSTREAM: The european network of excellence in cryptology (ECRYPT) Stream cipher project.
2. Khalid A, Paul G, Chattopadhyay A (2013) New Speed records for Salsa20 stream cipher using an autotuning framework on GPUs. In: Progress in cryptology–AFRICACRYPT. Springer, Berlin, pp 189–207
3. Khalid A, Bagchi D, Paul G, Chattopadhyay A (2019) Optimized GPU implementation and performance analysis of HC series of stream ciphers. In: Information security and cryptology–ICISC. Springer, Berlin, pp 293–308
4. ECRYPT eBACS: The european network of excellence in cryptology (ECRYPT) benchmarking of cryptographic systems.
5. Bernstein DJ Hash functions and ciphers. In: Notes on the ECRYPT stream cipher project (eSTREAM).