1. A. Damascelli, Z. Hussain, Z.X. Shen, Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 473 (2003)
2. You can detect the spin polarization of an electron state in a ferromagnetic compound using spin- (and angle-) resolved PES (SR-(AR)PES), which is not the case for LaCoO$$_3$$
3. Historically, the temperature-induced paramagnetism observed in $$R$$CoO$$_3$$ has often been referred as “spin-state transition” although the phenomenon is not a phase transition but a crossover. We use these two terms rather interchangeably in order to understand the history as well as the physics
4. Y. Tanabe, S. Sugano, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 9, 766 (1954)
5. R.R. Heikes, R.C. Miller, R. Mazelsky, Physica 30, 1600 (1964)