1. Basten, J. (1980). Judicial accountability: A proposal for a judicial commission. Australian Quarterly, 52(4), 468.
2. Brown, C. (2003). The evolution and application of rules concerning independence of the “international judiciary”. Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2(1), 63.
3. Canadian Judicial Council. (1991). Commentaries on judicial conduct. Cowansville: Yvon Blais Editions.
4. Craig, P. (2008). Administrative law (6th ed.). London: Sweet & Maxwell.
5. Henry de Bracton. (1968). On the laws and customs of England, volume II (Ed. Woodbine, G.E., & trans: Thorne, S.E.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. First published 1569 as De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae, 1968 ed.