General Oncology Care in Iraq


Al Alwan Nada A. S.


AbstractThe estimated population of Iraq (40,222,493 in 2020) continues to grow at a rate of 2.4% per year; only 5% is over 60 years with a life expectancy approaching 72 years. There are 18 governorates in Iraq. Before 1990, Iraq had the most robust healthcare system in the Middle East. The consequences of the successive wars and political instability yielded a significant shortage in the medical resources and funds. Currently, the government spends 6–7% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on the health sector, providing free of charge services to all citizens through a network of primary healthcare centers and public hospitals. The Iraqi Cancer Board of the Ministry of Health is responsible for implementing the National Cancer Control Plan (NCCP). The latest Iraqi Cancer Registry revealed that the top recorded malignancies among the population are the breast, bronchus, and lungs followed by colorectal cancers, whereas the most common causes of malignant related deaths are cancers of the bronchus and lungs, breast, and leukemia. Overall, there are over 40 public cancer care facilities distributed among the governorates. This chapter illustrates the general oncology care in Iraq; highlighting the implemented elements of the NCCP, the offered specialized cancer services, and the international collaborations on cancer control and research.


Springer Singapore

Reference60 articles.

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4. DFAT Country Information Report IRAQ, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government, 2020.

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