1. Annual Statistical Report 2019. Planning Directorate, Ministry of Health/Environment, Republic of Iraq, 2019. https://moh.gov.iq/upload/upfile/ar/1070.pdf. Accessed 25 Oct 2020.
2. Eastern Mediterranean Region: framework for health information systems and core indicators for monitoring health situation and health system performance 2018/WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean.
3. World Health Organization, Eastern Mediterranean Region: Key Statistics from WHO Global Health Observatory, Country Office Website, Iraq 2020. WHO, Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. https://www.who.int/countries/irq. Accessed 25 Oct 2020.
4. DFAT Country Information Report IRAQ, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government, 2020.
5. Country Policy and Information Note. Iraq: Medical and Healthcare Issues, Version 1.0, Home Office, UK; 2019.