Yang Mingrui,Luo Chixu,Wang Dan,Wang Tianxiong,Liu Xiaojing,Zhang Tengfei
AbstractTo maximize their adaptability and versatility, research reactors are designed to adapt to various operational conditions. These requirements result in more complex configurations and irregular geometries for research reactors. Besides, there is usually a strong coupling of neutronics-thermal hydraulics (N-TH) fields inside the reactor. A three-dimensional N-TH coupling code has been developed named CENTUM (CodE for N-Th coupling with Unstructured Mesh). Steady-state and transient neutronic analyses are performed using a 3D triangular-z nodal transport solver with the stiffness confinement method (SCM). Meanwhile, thermal-hydraulics calculations adopt a multi-channel model. For a preliminary verification of the code, we examine CENTUM with benchmark problems including TWIGL, 3D-LMW, and NEACRP. CENTUM produces maximum power errors of −1.27% and −0.45% for the TWIGL A1 and A2 cases, respectively. For the 3D-LMW benchmark, the largest relative power error of 3.84% is observed at 10 s compared with the reference SPANDEX code. For the NEACRP N-TH coupling benchmark, CENTUM results in a 0.35 ppm error in critical boron concentration, a 2.16 °C discrepancy in the fuel average Doppler temperature, and a 0.63% overestimation in the maximum axial power. Moreover, transient results considering thermal-hydraulics feedback are in good agreement with the PARCS reference solutions, with the maximum relative power deviation being only 0.055%.
Springer Nature Singapore
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