Wen Xingjian,Zhai Zian,Tang Songqian,Tian Chao,Liu Zhouyu
AbstractExisting depletion and source term calculation codes lack flexible interfaces, which is difficult to meet the actual engineering design needs. Based on the Chebyshev rational approximation method, a new depletion, activation and source term calculation code TIST is developed and verified. Full-fidelity depletion library based on ENDF-VII.0 and EAF2010 contains 3837 isotopes is generated. Flexible interfaces are built-in to support cross sections from different sources for depletion and activation calculations. The EAF2010 library and the cross sections from the high-fidelity code NECP-X are adopted by TIST for the verification in this work. Based on the nuclide inventory of the depletion and activation calculation, the radiation source term calculation capability of TIST is developed, including the radioactivity, the decay heat, the neutron source and the photon source. The comparison results with NECP-X and FISPACT demonstrate good accuracy of TIST.
Springer Nature Singapore