1. Li WB, Wu WW, Yu B and Foo CT, (2015) Is China Transmuting to Fast Overtake the USA in Innovation? R&D Case-studies in Advanced Technology Manufacturing Chinese Management Studies, Vol 9(1), pp 8–26
2. Li YH and Foo CT (2015), A Sociological Theory of Corporate Finance: Societal Responsibility and the Cost of Equity in China, Chinese Management Studies, Vol 9 (3), pp 269–294
3. Foo CT (2008), Conceptual Lessons on Financial Strategy following the US Subprime Crisis, Journal of Risk Finance, Vol. 9(3), pp 292–302.
4. Foo CT (2009) Das Kapita, Global Crisis and Leadership, Journal of Risk Finance, Vol 10(4), pp 414–417.
5. Foo CT (2010), Is there Risk of a Cataclysm: Changing Perceptions of the Dollar, Journal of Risk Finance, Vol 11(3), 333–343.