1. Abdallah, N., Altafi, N., De Poi, P., Fiorindo, L., Iarrobino, A., Macias Marques, P., Mezzetti, E., Miró-Roig, R.M., Nicklasson, L.: Hilbert functions and Jordan type of Perazzo Artinian algebras. In: U. Nagel et al. (eds.) Lefschetz Properties. Springer INdAM Series 59 (Chap. 3, in this volume), pp. 1–23
2. Abdallah, N., Altafi, N., Iarrobino, A., Yaméogo, J.: Jordan degree type for codimension three Gorenstein algebras of small Sperner number, arXiv:math.AC/2406.06322 (2024)
3. Abdallah, N., Emsalem, J., Iarrobino, A., Yaméogo, J.: Limits of graded Gorenstein algebras of Hilbert function $$(1,3^k,1)$$. Eur. J. Math. 10(1), p 9, 42 pp. (2024)
4. Abdallah, N., Schenck, H.: Free resolutions and Lefschetz properties of some Artin Gorenstein rings of codimension four. J. Symb. Comput. 121, 102257, 13 pp (2024)
5. Abdallah, N.: A note on the structure of some codimension four Gorenstein Artin algebras. To appear in “Deformations of Artinian algebras and Jordan type,” A. Iarrobino, P. Macias Marques, M.E. Rossi, J. Vallès, eds., A.M.S. Contemporary Mathematics #805 (2024)