1. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Interface Specifications for QZSS (IS-QZSS Ver.1.0). Available from the following site:
2. GILT Study (2005) Core technology document for Pseudolites for enhanced availability. GILT-TRT-DD-15, GALILEO Initiative for Local Technologies, Alenia-Spazio, Thales, Indra
3. E Electronic Communications Committee, Compatibility studies between pseudolites and services in the frequency bands 1164–1215, 1215–1300 and 1559–1610 MHz, ECC Report 128. Available from the following site:
4. GPS.gov, Interface Specification IS-GPS-200. Available from the following site:
5. Abt T-L, Soualle F (2005) Optimal pulsing schemes for GALILEO pseudolites signals. Paper presented at ION GNSS 2005, Long Beach, CA