1. BAUDELAIRE. 1964. Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays. Trans. and Ed. Jonathan Mayne. London: Phaidon Press.
2. BRECHT, Bertolt. 1964. Brecht on Theatre, the Development of an Aesthetic. Trans. and Ed. John Willett. London: Eyre Methuen.
3. FOUCAULT, Michel. 1984. What is Enlightenment? In The Foucault Reader, ed. P. Rabinow. New York: Pantheon Books.
4. GAO, Xingjian. 1988. 《对一种现代戏剧的追求》 (In Pursuit of a Modern Theater), 北京(Beijing): 中国戏剧出版社.
5. ———. 1999. The Other Shore – Plays by Gao Xingjian. Trans. Gilbert C. F. Fong. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.