1. Allegretto, S. (2019). For Teachers, the Money Keeps Getting Worse. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/09/pay-teachers-more-because-women-have-other-options/597322/.
2. European Commission. (1996). The charter of Luxembourg. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission. Finnish law of early childhood education, 540/2018, set in Helsinki 13th of July, 2018.
3. Finnish National Agency for Education. (2018) Finnish national core-curriculum of early childhood education and care. Määräykset ja ohjeet, 17.
4. Finnish teacher student association SOOL (2019). Finnish teacher student association SOOL. Goals for Teacher Education. https://www.sool.fi/inenglish/goals-for-teacher-education/ (cited: 17.11.2020)
5. Finnish Education Evaluation Center (2018). Guidelines and recommendations for evaluating the quality of early childhood education and care. https://karvi.fi/en/early-childhood-education/guidelines-and-recommendations-for-evaluating-the-quality-of-early-childhood-education-and-care/.