1. Waghmare, S., Deshmukh, R.R., Kayte, S.N.: Analysis of fundamental frequency, jitter and shimmer in stuttered and non-stuttered speech of Marathi language. In: Jitter and Shimmer in Stuttered and Non-Stuttered Speech of Marathi Language (2019). Available at SSRN
2. Joshi, S.S., Bhagile, V.D., Deshmukh, R.R.: A Review on Marathi Speech Recognition (2019). Available at SSRN 3419224
3. Shrishrimal, P.P., Deshmukh, R.R., Waghmare, V.B.: Marathi isolated words speech database for agriculture purpose. Int. J. Eng. Innov. Res. 3(3), 248
4. Shrishirmal, P.P., Deshmukh, R.R., Waghmare, V.B., Borade, S., Janse, P.V., Janvale, G.B.: Development of Marathi Language Speech Database from Marathwada Region
5. Script for Marathi Grammar prepared by Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) programme of Department of Indian Languages (DIL), Government of India (GoI), in association with Center for Development Advanced Computing (CDAC)