1. T. Koopmans, Physika (Utrecht),1, 104 (1934).
2. P. G. Val'kov, I. S. Gotkis, V. N. Belyaev, and K. S. Krasnov, Summaries of Papers from 7th All-Union Symposium on the Chemistry of Inorganic Fluorides [in Russian], Leninabad (1984).
3. V. N. Belyaev, N. L. Lebedeva, and K. S. Krasnov, Summaries of Papers from 7th All-Union Symposium on the Chemistry of Inorganic Fluorides [in Russian], Leninabad (1984).
4. V. N. Belyaev, N. L. Lebedeva, K. S. Krasnov, and L. V. Gurvich, Summaries of Papers from 9th All-Union Conference on Calorimetry and Chemical Thermodynamics [in Russian], Tbilisi (1982), p. 323.
5. V. N. Belyaev, N. L. Lebedeva, K. S. Krasnov, and L. V. Gurvich, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Khim. Khim. Tekhnol.,27 (1984).