1. V. I. Likhtman, P. A. Rebinder, and G. V. Karpenko, Effect of a Surface-Active Medium on Metal-Working Processes [in Russian], Moscow, Izd. AN SSSR, 1954.
2. Machine Building, Encyclopedia-Handbook [in Russian], vol. 3, Moscow, 1947.
3. M. P. Markovets, True-Stress Diagrams and Strength Calculations [in Russian], Oborongiz, 1947.
4. G. I. Pogodin-Alekseev, Geometric Factor and Effect of Cold-Working on Metal Hardening [in Russian], MiTOM, no. 9, 1963.
5. Ya. B. Fridman, Mechanical Properties of Metals [in Russian], Oborongiz, 1952.