Use of machine learning for unraveling hidden correlations between particle size distributions and the mechanical behavior of granular materials


González Tejada IgnacioORCID,Antolin P.


AbstractA data-driven framework was used to predict the macroscopic mechanical behavior of dense packings of polydisperse granular materials. The discrete element method, DEM, was used to generate 92,378 sphere packings that covered many different kinds of particle size distributions, PSD, lying within 2 particle sizes. These packings were subjected to triaxial compression and the corresponding stress–strain curves were fitted to Duncan–Chang hyperbolic models. An artificial neural network (NN) scheme was able to anticipate the value of the model parameters for all these PSDs, with an accuracy similar to the precision of the experiment and even when the NN was trained with a few hundred DEM simulations. The estimations were indeed more accurate than those given by multiple linear regressions (MLR) between the model parameters and common geotechnical and statistical descriptors derived from the PSD. This was achieved in spite of the presence of noise in the training data. Although the results of this massive simulation are limited to specific systems, ways of packing and testing conditions, the NN revealed the existence of hidden correlations between PSD of the macroscopic mechanical behavior.


H2020 European Research Council

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

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