1. A. D. Alexandrov, “On infinitesimal bendings of irregular surfaces,”Mat. Sb.,1, No. 3, 307–322 (1937).
2. A. D. Alexandrov, “On one class of closed surfaces,”Mat. Sb.,2, No. 1, 69–77 (1978).
3. A. D. Alexandrov,Convex Polyhedra [in Russian], GITTL, Moscow (1950).
4. A. D. Alexandrov and E. P. Sen’kin, “On the inflexibility of convex surfaces,”Vestn. LGU, No. 1, 104–106 (1956).
5. A. D. Alexandrov and S. M. Vladimirova, “On the bending of a polyhedron with solid faces,”Vestn. LGU,13, No. 3, 138–141 (1962).