1. D. A. Bromley:Rendiconti S.I.F., Course XL, edited byM. Jean (New York, N. Y., 1969), p. 242;Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Munich, 1973, edited byJ. de Boer andH. J. Mang, Vol.2 (Amsterdam, 1973), p. 21.
2. J. E. Poth, J. C. Overley andD. A. Bromley:Phys. Rev.,164, 1295 (1967).
3. J. E. Poth: Doctoral Dissertation, Yale University, 1966 (unpublished).
4. J. E. Poth andD. A. Bromley:Proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference, Gatlinburg, 1966, edited byR. L. Becker, C. D. Goodman, P. H. Stelson andA. Zucker (New York, N. Y., 1967), p. 94.
5. J. E. Poth, J. C. Overley andD. A. Bromley:Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Ion Physics, Dubna, 1966 (Dubna, 1970), p. 261.