1. A. Bogdanov and I. Erenburg, "New types of pile foundations," Sel'skoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 5 (1965).
2. Z. G. Gazhienko and G. Ya. Uzilevskii, "Construction of cattle barns in the German Democratic Republic (experience in pile-post construction)," Experience on Farm Construction Abroad [in Russian], No. 2, Stroiizdat (1964).
3. Bauzeitung, No. 24 (1961), and No. 3 (1962).
4. B. Goncharov, L. Shishkin, and Kh. Bikkulov, "Pile-columns," Sel'skoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 2 (1967).
5. L. A. Nudel'man, "Driven foundations of small buildings," in: Bases, Foundations and Underground Structures [in Russian], Stroiizdat (1967).