1. Bartoleme, F.: ?The Work Alibi: When It's Harder to Go Home?, Harvard Business Review, March?April 1983, pp. 66?75.
2. Bartoleme, F.: ?Must Success Cost So Much?, Harvard Business Review, March?April 1980, pp. 137?148.
3. Bhagavad-Gita, 1946, The Gospel of Selfless Action or the Gita According to Gandhi, trans. with commentary by Mahadev Desai, Ahmedabad ? 14, Navajivan Publishing House, India.
4. Brandon, S. G. G.: 1957, The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church, SPCK, London.
5. Collins, E. G. C.: ?Managers and Lovers?, Harvard Busiiness Review, September?October 1983, pp. 142?153.