1. George M. Bergman,Hyperidentities in groups and semigroups, Aequationes Mathematicae,23 (1981) 50?65.
2. Paul M.Cohn,Universal Algebra, 2nd ed. D. Reidel, 1981.
3. D. ?upona,Subalgebras of semigroups, Bull, de la soc. des math�maticiens et des physiciens de la R. S. Mac�doine,19 (1968) 9?16. (Macedonian with English summary).
4. A.Delgado, D.Goldschmidt and B.Stellmacher,Groups and graphs: new results and methods, Birkh�user Verlag 1985.
5. W.Dicks,Groups, Trees and Projective Modules, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics #790, 124 pp., 1980.